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Atex Hydrogen (H2)

AL ATEX Hydrogen

Forward curved blade centrifugal fans

Product available also in:

The centrifugal fans of the AL ATEX series are built and certified in compliance with ATEX Directice 2014/34/UE. They are specifically designed to be used in zone 1, i.e. in areas or environments where it is necessary to guarantee a high safety factor against explosions due to the presence of hydrogen (II2G). Marked II2G Ex IIB + H2 T4 Gb

They are suitable toconvey clean air with a temperature included in a range from -20°C to +60°C (on request, from -40°C to +60°C).

  • Ducted installations for industrial  applications for medium airflows with high pressures
  • Diameters from 200 to 450 mm
  • Airflow from 1,500 to 11,200 m³/h with pressures up to 1,900 Pa
  • Volute casing in folded steel sheet, protected against atmospheric agent by epoxy pain, easily adjustable with standard LG 270° orientation
  • Single inlet, single width, forward curved impeller (sirocco type), manufactured in galvanized steel sheet from type 200 to 315 and insteel sheet with welded blades epoxy painted from type 355 to 450
  • Brass inlet
  • The motor includes an overtemperature protection system equipped with PTC thermistors in accordance with DIN 44081, DIN 44082, IEC 60034-11-2 and suitable for speed regulation by inverter-type controller (for three-phase version)

Series available in construction configuration:

  GAS – Zona II2G Ex h IIB T4 Gb
 DUST – Zona 21 II2D Ex h IIIB T135°C Db


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