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ATEX - Box fans


Backward-curved belt driven double inlet box fans

BOX-T BC ATEX are double suction and transmission backward curved box fans built in compliance with the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU and suitable for environments where the presence of flammable gases makes it necessary to guarantee correct air extraction while avoiding explosion risks, in particular in ATEX category 3 certified plants.

They are particularly suitable for installations where air exchange or filtration must be performed and for installations requiring high performance in terms of flow rates and especially pressures. Particularly silent, they are ideal in both civil and industrial environments where noise is a problem.

Suitable for clean air with temperatures from -20°C to +40°C

– 20 mm thick sound-absorbing mat, made of self-extinguishing polyurethane foam

– 11 sizes from 200 to 630

– Air flow rate from 2,000 to 30,000 m 3 /h

– Pressure from 215 to 1,550 Pa

– High performance, with backward blade impeller for transmission drive, coupled to the motor via V-belts and pulleys

– EPDM V-belts with innovative maintenance-free bare-side technology

They are available in 2 different construction configurations:


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